This release includes bug fixes and new features including administration console enhancements, transaction recovery from a database and new thread pool properties. This article is about a software product. This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies. Retrieved from " https: JSR was however approved with reservations. This version introduced support for ssh-based provisioning, centralized admin, clustering and load-balancing. This major release brings Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 support. glassfish server open source edition 4.1.1

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Sun Communication Application Server 2. This is fix release for GlassFish 3. This release includes bug fixes. Views Read Edit View history.

Sun Microsystems launched the GlassFish project on 6 June From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. On 17 September the GlassFish community released version 2. Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 3. The open source community remains otherwise unaffected. Open-source GlassFish continued under Oracle till version 5.

This page was last edited on 13 Septemberat Oracle Linux Oracle Solaris.

GlassFish Download

This major release brings Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 support. On 25 Marchsoon after the acquisition of Sun Microsystems, Oracle issued a Roadmap for versions 3. This release includes many bug fixes and security fixes as well as updates to many underlying components. The main goal of this release is to prove that all source code has been transferred and can indeed be build into a fully compliant product. This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies.

Pages using deprecated image syntax. Sun Microsystems acquired by Oracle Corp Such services can be discovered and injected at runtime.

This article is about a software product. HK2 abstracts the OSGi module system to provide components, which can also be viewed as services.

glassfish server open source edition 4.1.1

Optional components can also wdition installed for additional services. For the freshwater and marine fish, see Ambassidae. On 10 December GlassFish 3. JSR was however approved with reservations.

glassfish server open source edition 4.1.1

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2. Sun Java System Application Server 9.

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Sun Communication Application Server 1. On 4 MayProject GlassFish released the 1.

This version introduced support for ssh-based provisioning, centralized glassdish, clustering and load-balancing. Payara Server is open source under the same licenses as GlassFish, but has optional commercial support.

glassfish server open source edition 4.1.1

Free and open-source software portal Computer glassdish portal. GlassFish is free software and was initially dual-licensed under two free software licences: Retrieved from " https:


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